Letter C
Packages beginning with letter "C".
- cigetcert - Get an X.509 certificate with SAML ECP and store proxies
- cilogon-openid-ca-cert - OSG Packaging of the CILogon CA Certs, in new OpenSSL 0.9.8/1.0.0 format
- cms-xcache - The CMS data federation cache server
- condor - HTCondor: High Throughput Computing
- condor-annex-ec2 - Configuration and scripts to make an EC2 image annex-compatible
- condor-ap - Configuration for an Access Point
- condor-credmon-local - Local issuer credmon for HTCondor
- condor-credmon-oauth - OAuth2 credmon for HTCondor
- condor-credmon-vault - Vault credmon for HTCondor
- condor-devel - Development files for HTCondor
- condor-ep - Configuration for an Execution Point
- condor-kbdd - HTCondor Keyboard Daemon
- condor-tarball - Files needed to build an HTCondor tarball
- condor-test - HTCondor Self Tests
- condor-upgrade-checks - Script to check for manual interventions needed to upgrade
- condor-vm-gahp - HTCondor's VM Gahp
- cvmfs - CernVM File System
- cvmfs-config-osg - CernVM File System OSG Configuration and Public Keys
- cvmfs-devel - CernVM-FS static client library
- cvmfs-ducc - ducc: Daemon Unpacking Containers in CVMFS
- cvmfs-fuse3 - additional libraries to enable libfuse3 support
- cvmfs-gateway - CernVM-FS Repository Gateway
- cvmfs-libs - CernVM-FS common libraries
- cvmfs-server - CernVM-FS server tools
- cvmfs-shrinkwrap - CernVM-FS shrinkwrap utility to export /cvmfs file system trees
- cvmfs-unittests - CernVM-FS unit tests binary
- cvmfs-x509-helper - CernVM File System Authz Helper
- cvmfs-x509-helper-debuginfo - Debug information for package cvmfs-x509-helper
- cvmfs-x509-helper-debugsource - Debug sources for package cvmfs-x509-helper