Letter O
Packages beginning with letter "O".
- osdf-server - Service files for Pelican-based OSDF daemons
- osg-ca-certs - OSG Packaging of the IGTF CA Certs and OSG-specific CAs, in the OpenSSL 1.0.* format.
- osg-ca-certs-updater - Automatic CA certs updates for OSG
- osg-ca-scripts - CA Certificate helper scripts
- osg-ce - OSG Compute Element
- osg-configure - Configuration tool for the OSG Software Stack
- osg-oasis - OSG metapackage for OASIS and CVMFS
- osg-pki-tools - osg-pki-tools
- osg-release - OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- osg-scitokens-mapfile - Scitokens mapfile for OSG
- osg-system-profiler - Profiles your system for debugging
- osg-update-vos - VO data updater for OSG
- osg-wn-client - OSG Worker-Node Client
- osg-xrootd - OSG configuration files for XRootD
- ospool-ap - OSPool Access Point configurations
- ospool-ep - Systemd service for the OSPool Backfill Container